Using a growth mindset to build resilience

  • 01 Aug 2023
  • Ardina

This article will explore the relationship between growth mindsets and the BC and resilience sector. A growth mindset is based around the principles of learning from experience and feedback, developing new skills, and using challenges as opportunities for improvement — all elements which should be part of the BC and resilience professional’s arsenal.

What is a growth mindset?

The growth mindset is a concept developed by Carol Dweck, a psychologist, which describes the relationship between one’s mindset and the physical manifestations of that mindset. For example, Dr Dweck states that those with a growth mindset believe their abilities can be developed, while those with a fixed mindset believe their abilities cannot be developed.

People with a growth mindset see challenges as chances to grow, learn from mistakes, and illustrate failures as temporary setbacks, whereas people with fixed mindsets are discouraged by these setbacks and avoid further challenges. Although, critically, the mindset can be changed from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset through learning and effort.

This table illustrates the contrasting thoughts of someone with a fixed mindset vs a growth mindset:

Fixed mindset

“Failures demonstrate the limited ability I have”
“I take criticism personally”
“My intelligence level is innate; it cannot be improved”
“I give up after failures”
“My potential is limited”
“Other people’s success threatens me”

Growth mindset

“Failures provide learning opportunities”
“I use feedback to learn”
“I can improve my intelligence”
“I carry on trying after failures”
“I can learn anything I want”
“Other people’s success inspires me”

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About the author

Ardina Behrami

Research Intern, The BCI