Spotlight on David Marsh: North West England Chapter’s new leader

  • 13 Dec 2024
  • David
news-Spotlight on David Marsh North West England Chapters new leader.jpg

The BCI warmly welcomes David Marsh as the new leader for the North West England Chapter. David is a resilient professional with decades of experience in the public, private, and voluntary sectors and well placed to lead the dedicated committee. 

What motivated you to take on the leadership role for this Chapter?

I enjoy building communities and building on shared knowledge and experiences. My background in voluntary roles, such as my Churchill Fellowship, has equipped me with the right knowledge to lead and encourage the voluntary side of the Chapter. I was also keen to align its strategic objectives with the BCI strategic objectives to build a stronger resilience community.

How will the Chapter enhance the resilience and business continuity community in your area?

I have three main work threads which I hope will grow the membership, communication, and the education/professional value of the Chapter. I'm hoping to build on our already strong membership by encouraging young professionals and university engagement across the whole Northwest and use events to build up professional CPD points when that’s possible.

Not everyone can take a day off for a Chapter meeting, but many can take an hour out for lunch, so I’m looking at bringing in virtual lunch and learn sessions with subject matter speakers. I'm also keen to network and make connections going forward because communication and engagement is absolutely key to making the Chapter successful and building a resilient regional community.

What are your long-term goals for the Chapter?

Resilience professionals shouldn’t work in silos because we're aiming for the same objectives, so in the long term I’d like to share knowledge by engaging with other Chapters. We’d like to grow attendance at North West Chapter events and get more like-minded resilience professionals or people who want to get involved with business continuity to form a strong group of volunteers to take us forward into 2025. Anyone interested in resilience is very welcome to sign up and get involved no matter their experience or professional role. We look forward to meeting you and welcome everyone to be a part of our community

Interested in the North West England Chapter? You can sign up here.

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About the author
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David Marsh

Head of Risk & Resilience

Now risk and resilience manager at Manchester Metropolitan University and guest lecturer

My professional background comes from a history of software and systems engineering embedded with aspects of agronomical/petro chemical & IT engineering, finance, logistics, telecoms and retail across numerous disciplines with organisational resilience.

Previously in the voluntary sector, I was an international expedition leader with a national youth organisation both leading expeditions internationally in Uganda & Kenya and whilst in the UK at County level leading to national awards from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust and the Royal Society of Arts for the encouragement of manufacture, commerce and education.

I have a vast knowledge of business continuity & disaster recovery practices spanning a 30 year period experiencing the evolution of the practice into its current form today. I have applied software and system engineering practices into business continuity, developing risk registers and BIA tools for the telecommunications industry within a ITIL and Agile environment.

My knowledge and experience has been used not just within telecommunications & retail but across multiple sectors from law, manufacturing and warehousing , logistics.