New Executive Director at The BCI

The BCI is delighted to welcome David Thorp as its new Executive Director, taking over from Lorraine Darke who steps down at the end of the year to enjoy an early retirement after 12 years at the BCI.
David is set to join the BCI on the 3rd October when he leaves his current role as Managing Director of the Security Institute, the UK’s largest professional membership body for security professionals. He was previously the Director of Research and Professional Development at the Chartered Institute of Marketing and is a current member of the British Institute of Learning and Development. Overall, David brings with him over 20 years of senior management experience at professional associations.
By leading the Security Institute for the last two years, David has shown he has the experience and acumen to lead a professional body in this digital era. He brings with him knowledge and experience in research and professional development that will help to drive thought leadership at the BCI. David's mandate will enable the BCI to improve its own offerings which will help develop the skills and standing of our membership.
James McAlister FBCI, Vice Chairman of the Institute, commented:
“David has shown that he is prepared to take on difficult challenges and is never willing to accept the status quo if it is not in the best interests of the Institute. In David we have recruited someone who honestly believes in membership service excellence and will strive to achieve it.”
On accepting the post, David Thorp noted:
“To me business resilience starts with people. It’s the human inputs that determine whether or not an organisation has the ability to deliver seamless continuity in the face of adverse events, and in today’s complex and increasingly interconnected environment, those responsible for delivering business continuity need support. That’s why I feel privileged in joining a professional body that is at the forefront globally of thought leadership, of education and of professional development in resilience and continuity. We live in challenging times and the need for an authoritative and inclusive organisation like the Business Continuity Institute is perhaps greater now than ever and I look forward to playing an active role in its continuing development and success.”
Lorraine Darke has been with the BCI for over 12 years and the growth and influence of the Institute during that time has been immense. Hers will be a tough act to follow. In David Thorp, however, the Institute has recruited someone who has the drive and determination, not to mention the ability, to take on this challenge, and move the Institute forward in a new era.