Continuity in training to secure your career

Getting your university or Master’s degree is important, but it’s not the end of your education and training. You are fresh out of university and/or grad-school, ready to gain that practical hands-on experience with a job. You get the job, you get the experience…and you get more training and education! Yes, more studying and more courses will be an important part of your career, especially if you choose to work in the Business Continuity (BC) and Resilience industry.
Technical training is essential to kick-start your first BC role. It provides you with the basics that you need to build, implement and maintain a BC programme and plan. Once you have a solid base, you then need to deal with how unpredictable the world is, how many different risks and threats organizations have to manage, any changes in technology, changes in work environment and so on.
Working in the BC and Resilience industry, you quickly learn that it is not a ‘static’ industry. Indeed, it is quite the opposite. It continuously changes, evolves, and adjusts to new environments and situations. That’s why training and education in this field never really stops.
You also have to factor in related disciplines that might play a role in your organization – supply chain, cyber security, risk management, etc – which means that you need even more knowledge.
When it comes to building and/or advancing your career in BC and Resilience, continuous training, learning and development are fundamental. As a professional you need to stay competitive in the job market with a viable skillset and this includes being innovative, resilient and open to ever-changing environments.
If you have a ‘career roadmap’ in mind, you need to include what knowledge you need to progress in your journey. A competitive advantage over other candidates is having that ‘extra’ knowledge, which also helps you boost your confidence to get out of your comfort zone.
This also applies if you wish to excel in your current role. If you are looking to innovate processes, to try new methods or to do something new, learning is fundamental in all of it. Remember, knowledge is power. Professionals and practitioners in the BC and Resilience sector need to consistently acquire new knowledge and skills in order to view situations and solutions under different perspectives, and ultimately take that next leap.
Learning is a great way to secure your career. Having that continuity over time in acquiring skills and knowledge is essential, not only if you wish to progress in your career journey, but also if you want to remain relevant and valuable to your sector.
There are lots of learning opportunities available at your fingertips. The BCI offers a wide range of resources that you can access – some of which are free:
- CBCI Certification Course
- 1 & 2 Day Courses
- eLearning - discounts available during Education Month 2022!
- Research reports (Free)
- White papers and articles (Free)
- Webinars and panel discussions (Free)
Learn more about Education Month 2022 and upcoming webinars:
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