#bciRewind | Operational Resilience: The Death Knell for Business Continuity?

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These on-demand sessions are fresh out of our latest BCI World Virtual 2021 conference and for those who have never attended, they are a great way to get a feel of what the conference is about and what to expect in terms of content, speakers, and presentations.
This month our #bciRewind series features the most popular session in the Operational Resilience Programme Stream, which is the Panel Discussion - Operational Resilience: The Death Knell for Business Continuity?
The Business Continuity profession has found itself at a pivotal point, due to the increase in focus on Operational Resilience resulting from new regulatory requirements and findings learned due to the COVID19 global pandemic.
But what is Operational Resilience, and why does it appear to some as the death knell for the BC industry? Is there still a future for the Business Continuity, and if so, what does the future hold?
- Alex Fullick, Managing Director, StoneRoad, Canada
- Sarah Garrington MBCI, Head of Resilience, Irwin Mitchell, UK
- Cary Jasgur FBCI, Consulting Manager - Organizational Resilience, Mazars, USA
- Dr Chris Needham-Bennett, Managing Director, Needhams1834 Ltd, UK
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