BCI Finland Chapter: Committee announcement

Following a recent selection process, we are pleased to announce the new committee for the BCI Finland Chapter.
- Olli Laitinen - Leader
- Mikaiiro Laitinen - Vice Leader
- Matias Virta – Committee Member
- Atte Kokkinen – Committee Member
- Pia Ruismaki – Committee Member
- Tea Tukia-Kangas – Committee Member
“We are a group of committed business continuity and resilience professionals with a passion for building our community and playing an active role in the evolution of our industry. We are planning to provide regular networking and educational events in Finland,” says Olli Laitinen, Chapter Leader.
The Chapter’s goals are to:
- Raise awareness of business continuity management and resilience in Finland/Finnish organizations
- Bring industry professionals together, enable information exchange, and share good practices
- Enable the best business continuity connections to the international industry network.
To reach these goals, it the Chapter aims to:
- Organize two to three seminars/webinars annually
- Organize one CBCI course annually
- Participate in the BCI World Hybrid conference with as many delegates as possible
- Raise awareness through our LinkedIn page
- Encourage Finnish members to take full advantage of the BCI membership.
“We have a physical seminar coming up on Tuesday, 11th June. We are also planning some non-formal events in the future,” adds Olli.
For more information, access the BCI Finland Chapter page below.