Announcing the BCI’s new Board Member: Vimala Jayaraman

  • 22 May 2024

Could you please tell us about your career experience so far?

My finance and business leadership experience spans over two decades of financial management, strategic planning, and corporate governance, fortified by credentials FCMA and CGMA. My career till date spans diverse industries, including consulting, manufacturing, technology, and services, where I have held senior finance roles. My MBA underpins this in assessing the strength of business models and drivers, enabling me to work with the leadership teams to effectively align financial strategies with corporate objectives. 

What have been some of your greatest challenges (and how you overcame them) and successes? 

The optimist in me is rarely daunted by challenges as the problem solver in me sees these as opportunities to gain notable successes. Each such instance has profoundly shaped my personal and professional development.

Working in the healthcare sector during COVID which required an unprecedented approach to maintain business continuity and deliver essential services both for patient outcomes and for the finance teams. As with most organizations, this was an opportunity to rapidly drive digitisation at a pace which could not have been achieved as a business as usual.

A number of these experiences have taught me that challenges are opportunities in disguise and that success often requires resilience, strategic planning, and a collaborative approach. 

Why have you decided to join the BCI Board? 

Joining the BCI’s Board is an opportunity to contribute to an organization that plays a crucial role in promoting resilience and preparedness across industries. Serving on the Board allows me to leverage my skills and experience to promote the BCI's impact globally and support organizations build resilience, particularly in these volatile trading conditions.

What strengths and experience will you bring to the BCI Board?

With 20+ years' experience in senior finance roles across the private and public sectors, I specialise in the sustainable transformation of organizations with a particular focus on financial and commercial strategies; aligning financial performance with organizational strategy to deliver and sustain financial performance.

What excites you about the future of the BCI/this sector? 

Two key shifts in the macro environment excites me about the future of the BCI:

Increased recognition by companies of the importance of business continuity and resilience in today's volatile world. As organizations face unprecedented challenges, the BCI's role in providing expertise and guidance is more critical than ever. 

The speed and pace of technology changes, including AI/LLM and the opportunities this brings to the BCI. We have an opportunity to adopt these emerging technologies to accelerate how help businesses adapt and thrive in the face of disruptions and ensuring the BCI remains at the forefront of shaping resilient organizational strategies. 

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