
Why do CPD?

CPD is the perfect way to develop your expertise, grow professionally, and enhance your career as a member of the BCI. Some of the benefits include:

  • Move up – Show you’re ready for the next grade of BCI membership

  • Stay ahead – Keep up to speed with a rapidly changing industry

  • Get recognition – Inspire confidence in your clients and employers

  • Learn more – Recognise and fill gaps in your knowledge

Studying CPD

20 hours a year included

Webinars. Forums. Seminars. Research – and more. BCI members get access to a whole range of CPD courses and content. CPD is flexible and fits around your schedule. Your progress is measured by the hours you spend.

We make it easy to log your hours. It’s easy to record CPD in your online account – and any BCI courses you complete are logged automatically. It’s voluntary, and all the content is included in your membership fee. CPD is about providing you with opportunities to develop.

Want to move up a BCI grade? You’ll need to have completed 20 hours of CPD within the past 12 months.

Please note, that only current CBCI, AMBCI, MBCI, and FBCI members can record CPD activities on their online profile. Non-members, Students and Affiliates can record CPD using the ‘CPD Activities’ Word doc which can be found in the ‘Upgrade Membership’ area.

What counts towards CPD?

There are two types of CPD study:

  • Directed – Focused on measurable objectives through study. This might include taking part in BCI seminars, attending conferences, or undertaking BC related training courses. Directed study could be vocational or professional training courses, academic courses, webinars, attending conferences, workshops, and seminars.

  • Self-directed  – This covers any informal learning or self-study taken on around your career. This could include learning from others, learning on the job, learning through reflection, self- studying online, reading technical materials, reading books, journals, magazines.


Still unsure which membership type is right for you? Get in touch!

Our membership team will get back to you with advise and guidance on your next steps.