Have a question about BCI Membership? Explore the answers to some of our members' most common inquiries in our FAQ section below.
How do I update my contact details?
Simply click on the ^arrow beside your name at the top of the homepage. Select ‘My Account’ from the dropdown and you’ll be able to update all your contact details.
How do I update corporate partner details?
Key Contacts can refer to their how to guide, or contact our team for further assistance.
How do I upgrade my membership to AMBCI, MBCI or FBCI?
To help you understand the competencies and determine which level you are better suited for, we recommend reading the Competency Framework and completing a self-assessment.
To download the Competency Framework and Candidate Self-Assessment, click on the ^arrow next to your name on the top right-hand side of the page and select 'Upgrade Membership' from the dropdown menu. From there, select any grade to download the Candidate Self-Assessment & Competency Framework.
Once you have completed your self-assessment, you will have a better understanding of the grade you are suited to apply for.
To download the forms relevant for that grade, just go back to the ‘Upgrade Membership’ area, select the grade and it will display the forms you’ll need to download and complete.
When you are ready to submit everything, return to that area, upload your application documents and complete the process by paying the Application Assessing fee.
Our Membership Services Team will then be in touch within the next 14 days to give you an update on the assessment progress.
When is my membership subscription due for renewal and how can I renew online?
Membership fees are due for renewal a year following the anniversary of membership being awarded.
For example, if membership is awarded on the 15 June 2023 then the renewal fee would be payable
on 15 June 2024.
An invitation to renew is automatically sent via email to each member 8 weeks before the renewal date. The renewal invoice is then available to download from your online account.
To renew your membership online
Simply click on the ^arrow beside your name at the top of the homepage. Select ‘Membership Payments’ from the dropdown and click on ‘Pay’ to go through to the checkout and enter your credit/debit card details.
What happens if I do not renew my membership?
If a membership is not renewed after receiving renewal reminders, it will automatically be lapsed. If
you were a certified member (CBCI, AMBCI, MBCI or FBCI) and your membership has been
lapsed, you can rejoin using one of the following options:
a) Pay all subscription fees from the date that your membership expired to present, thus bringing
membership up to date. This option is open for a maximum of 3 years, after that, option b) is
the only option.
b) Reapply for certified AMBCI, MBCI or FBCI membership under the current membership criteria and application process.
c) If you were a non-certified member and you wish to rejoin, you may renew as an Affiliate
without paying back fees.
If you've let your membership lapse, please contact our Membership Services Team and they'll be happy to help. [email protected] +44 (0) 118 947 8215
I am now retired; can I claim a reduction in fees?
At the Board’s discretion, members of the BCI who have permanently retired and are no longer in paid
employment as a business continuity practitioner or consultant may receive a 100% discount on their
membership fees.
Members wishing to claim this discretionary reduction in fees should click the button below to apply.
Can I get a refund for my membership fee?
We can only offer a refund for the first 14 days after paying for membership in accordance with the UK Distance Selling Regulations. After this time we are not able to offer refunds on membership application assessing or annual membership subscription fees, as outlined in the BCI By-Laws: ‘Upon termination of membership a member is not entitled to any refund of annual subscription or fees’.
What payment methods does the BCI accept?
Payment can be made by the following options:
Payments can be made in UK£, US$, Euros€, Canadian$ or Australian$ by logging into your BCI online account.
We are able to take payment via VISA/MasterCard, if paying in UK£, US$, Euros€, Australian$ or Canadian$.
We can only take payment by AMEX if paying in UK£ or US$.
Please telephone +44 (0) 118 947 8215 to make the necessary payment in UK£, US$, Euros€, Canadian$ or Australian$.
We are able to take payment via VISA/MasterCard, if paying in UK£, US$, Euros€, Australian$ or Canadian$.
We can only take payment by AMEX if paying in UK£ or US$.