2024 年度第 6 回定例会 / FY2024 sixth regular meeting

  • 01:00 - 03:30
  • 18 Mar 2025
  • , 10:00 JST

To register for this event please log in to your BCI website profile. If you do not have a website profile, please register here.

今年度(2024 年度)第 6 回定例会を 3/18(火) 10:00〜11:30 に開催します。




なお会場でのご参加を希望される方は、3 月 13 日(木)までにお申し込みください。オンラインでのご参加は直前まで受付可能です。

The Japan Chapter will have FY2024 sixth regular meeting at 18 (Tue.) Mar. 10:00-11:30 (JST) as hybrid event. We would like to have an opportunity to discuss cyber security. It is one of the major issues among business continuity practitioners in recent years. However, we have not handle this issue at our regular meetings yet. So we'd like to share recent cases of cyber security incident, and then discuss practical knowledge and preparedness we should do. We'd like to have your variety of perspectives at the discussion. So we expect many members would join the event and to make this opportunity valuable with sharing knowledge and thought. If you'd like to join this event in-person, please register by 13 (Thu.) Mar. to keep your place. Virtual attendance will be acceptable until just before the event.


  • Kuniyuki Tashiro Photo.jpg

    Kuniyuki Tashiro FBCI

    Kuniyuki Tashiro has been a BCI Approved Instructor since 2021 and delivered the first CBCI training course in Japanese.
    Kuniyuki has been a member of the BCI since 2008 and currently serves the Japanese Chapter as a committee member.
    Since 2005 he has provided a consulting service in business continuity and disaster response for various sectors including manufacturing, IT services, financial services, logistics, hotels, retailing, and local governments.
    He has spoken at some of BCI’s conferences in London (2015, 2013, 2012, 2011), Malaysia (2019, 2018), and China (2012). He also contributed articles on the BCI blog.
    He is keen to popularise business continuity for small and medium enterprises through various seminars, workshops, and articles.
    He also has experience as a Business Continuity Manager for a manufacturing company, and an IT Systems Administrator for an auto manufacturer.


S tec information Building Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023 Japan

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