Navigating turbulence
To register for this event please log in to your BCI website profile.If you do not have a website profile, please register here. Please note that this event is for BCI Members only and that by registering for a BCI website profile you are not applying for a BCI Membership.
When a plane moved off the runway while landing at Leeds Bradford Airport crisis and business continuity planning had to be enacted to work with the airline, relevant operations teams and emergency authorities to resolve the situation and return services safely as quickly as possible. Neil Perkis - The Resilience and Emergency Planning Manager will present his experience of dealing with this event and will also share his experience on other incidents that the airport have faced. Join the North East Chapter to not only have Insite into this incident but to hear the latest news from the Chapter and to hear an update on Organisational Resilience. This event will also allow for networking opportunities to meet like minded professionals to discuss everything Resilience! This event is for BCI Members only.
10.30 – 10.45 Welcome and Logistics
10.45 – 11.45 Crisis and business continuity planning at Leeds Bradford Airport (part 1)
11.45 – 13.00 Tea Coffee/Lunch and Networking
13.00 – 14.00 Crisis and business continuity planning at Leeds Bradford Airport (part 2)
14.00 – 14.30 Organisational Resilience
14.30 – 14.45 Break
14.45 – 15.30 BCI News and News from the NE Chapter
We look forward to welcoming you!
Media Suite,
Leeds Bradford Airport
LS19 7TU
Parking is in the long stay car park and attendees will be given a password before leaving so there won't be a charge for this.
The venue isn't accessible, the room is on the first floor has no lift access. The meeting will not take place airside so no additional security measures are required.