BCI USA Chapter Continuity & Resilience Workshop

  • 09:30 - 10:30
  • 27 Feb 2025
  • , 13:30 PST | 16:30 EST

To register for this event please log in to your BCI website profile.If you do not have a website profile, please register here.  Please note that this event is for BCI Members only and that by registering for a BCI website profile you are not applying for a BCI Membership.

The BCI USA Chapter is happy to announce a coordinated effort to bring value to our members and generate new members by providing monthly workshops where each month will have a new guest speaker. These guest speakers will present their BC/CM and Resilience programs from the tactical and operational point of view. Topics include but are not limited to: What metrics do they use, What does their BIA template look like, How robust are their plans, etc.

This educational event will provide real-world examples for others to incorporate into their program for the organization they represent. Some speakers will come from an international audience so that there is diversity and understanding of how others are solving similar problems in their local places. Many of the BCI USA Chapter members represent organizations with global operations and this context will be invaluable to all members regardless if they are just beginning their journey in business continuity or are already a senior business continuity leader. This event is for BCI Members only.

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