Back to School - BCI Belgian Chapter meeting

  • 26 Sep 2024
  • , 4 - 8PM (CEST)

To register for this event please log in to your BCI website profile. If you do not have a website profile, please register here.

Back to school: Let’s relaunch the good habit to meet peers and colleagues around some interesting presentations and share a drink and light meal to network. The summer break slowly comes to an end, and we hope you get fully re-energized. Time has come to confirm the agenda for our upcoming in-person chapter meeting for 26/09 and “officially” launch the registration (Thanks to those who answered to the pre-invitation, confirming there is still interest for such meetings). For this first meeting, we’ll have 2 presentations on business continuity and supply chain resilience from 2 companies with a large footprint in Belgium. Then, we would like to co-create and shape the next meetings so that they best fit your own subjects of interest. Many thanks in advance for your participation, let’s build together a better future.


16:00 - Welcome, Registration & Coffee time
16:20 - Introduction – Welcome note - Christian De Boeck (BCI Belgium Chapter Leader)
16:40 - Supply chain resilience at Colruyt - Anneke Veldman (Senior Project Manager Supply Chain)
17:10 - Quick view on production chain of GSK
17:40 - Onboarding production sites into Business Continuity at GSK - Grégory Descamps (GSK Crisis & Business Continuity Management )
18:10 - News from the field & Future Activities of the Chapter: Roundtable - facilitated by Luc Albrecht (Swift - Business Continuity Management)
18:50 - Key takeaways and closure - Christian De Boeck
19:10 - Networking & Collation
20:00 - End


GSK, 20 Avenue Fleming 1300 Wavre Belgium


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