The roles of BCI Competency Assessors and Fellowship Assessors are vital to the success of the certified membership application program. All Assessors maintain the highest standards of integrity, ensuring that the assessment process is both fair and unbiased.

Time spent as a Competency Assessor can count towards your self-reflection entry for your Continued Professional Development (CPD) and Community Contribution for those working towards FBCI Membership.

As a Competency Assessor, you will receive a candidate's application pack along with the Assessors Assessment Score Sheet. You have the opportunity to draw on your extensive experience and knowledge to evaluate a candidate's competency in business continuity and resilience based on the BCI Competency Framework.

Competency Assessors record scores on the Assessment Score Sheet and provide constructive and encouraging feedback to inspire a candidate's professional development. Once returned to the BCI, the Membership Services Manager relays this feedback to the candidate.

On average, Competency Assessors devote 5-10 hours a month to assessing applications.

To be eligible to become a Competency Assessor you must

  • Hold a current MBCI, FBCI or an Honorary Membership
  • Maintain an active BCI Membership throughout their term
  • Have a good knowledge of the BCI Membership structure, criteria and Competency Framework
  • Have experience of assessing against a criteria
  • Have a good command of the English language
  • Have excellent attention to detail
  • Have sufficient capacity to dedicate time to assessing approximately 5-10 applications per month
  • Must not be an employee or volunteer role holder for the DRII or similar competitor organization/group
  • Must maintain good communication with the BCI Membership Services Manager.

To be eligible to become a Fellowship Assessor you must

  • Hold a current FBCI or Honorary FBCI Membership
  • Maintain an active BCI Membership throughout their term
  • Have a good knowledge of the BCI membership structure and criteria
  • Have experience of assessing against a criteria
  • Have a good command of the English language
  • Have excellent attention to detail
  • Have sufficient capacity to dedicate time to interviewing FBCI candidates as well as preparing for interviews. Each interview takes an average of 3 hours of preparation time.
  • Must not be an employee or volunteer role holder for the DRII or similar competitor organization/group
  • Must maintain good communication with the BCI Membership Services Manager.

How are Competency Assessors selected?

Our Membership Services Manager sends a call out to all current MBCI and FBCI holders to invite applicants to apply to become Competency Assessors

Once submission entries close, the BCI Lead Assessor and Membership Services Manager review all candidate answers provided within their application and select the most suitable individuals to be put forward for assessor training.

Virtual Training Meetings held on Microsoft Teams are set up to accommodate global time zones and full training and guidance is provided by the BCI Lead Assessor and Membership Services Manager.

Competency Assessors are appointed without a fixed term of service.

BCI Assessor Guidance

At the BCI, we value transparency in all our processes. Therefore, we would like to share more information with you about the roles of all Assessors and the process. We aim to create a clear and inclusive environment where all participants understand how the applications for certified membership are assessed and what is expected from all Assessors.

Allocation of Assessors

  • We currently have a pool of MBCI and FBCI Competency Assessors who evaluate a candidate's application materials and assess a candidate's level of competency based on the BCI Competency Framework. These assessors are referred to as Competency Assessors.
  • We have a separate pool of Fellowship Assessors who make up the interviewing panel for FBCI applicants, they evaluate a candidate's voluntary ‘Community Contribution’ and supporting material. These assessors are referred to as Fellowship Assessors.

Membership Services Manager responsibilities and initial application assessment

The responsibilities for this role include:

  • Review all initial applications to ensure they meet the entry criteria and that all supporting documentation has been included in the application pack
  • If an application is incomplete, the Membership Services Manager notifies a candidate and provides a thorough explanation for resubmission
  • If an application does not fit the criteria, the Membership Services Manager removes it from consideration, informs a candidate of the withdrawal and provides a detailed explanation
  • Sending all qualifying applications to Competency Assessors for evaluation and scoring against the Competency Framework
  • Sharing the constructive feedback provided by the Competency Assessors with the candidates
  • Maintaining the confidentiality of all information disclosed within an application pack
  • Arranging interviewing panels for FBCI candidates with Fellowship Assessors
  • Administrating and developing the application program in collaboration with the Lead Assessor, Lead Auditor and the Board
  • Organising Appeals submitted by candidates whose applications did not meet the required grade
  • Participating in the selection and training of new Assessors and also the Refresher training.

Applicant packs are retained by the BCI Head Office for approximately 6 months after completion so that they can be audited by the Lead Auditor. Once an audit has been completed all application packs are deleted by the Membership Services Manager.

How are AMBCI and MBCI applications assessed and by whom?

It is the responsibility of all candidates to review the entry criteria, submit a complete application and comply with the application rules thoroughly.

The Membership Services Manager sends all AMBCI and MBCI application packs to two different Competency Assessors.

  1. If both Competency Assessors (1 and 2) award a ‘pass’ to the application, the grade is granted, and their constructive feedback is shared with the candidate. 
  2. If both Competency Assessors (1 and 2) issue a ‘fail,’ the Membership Services Manager contacts the candidate with constructive feedback from the Competency Assessors. The candidate then has the opportunity to update their application and resubmit it for reassessment. 
  3. In cases of a split decision (where Competency Assessor 1 provides a ‘pass’ and Competency Assessor 2 a ‘fail’), the Membership Services Manager forwards the application to a third Competency Assessor for a final determination. 
  4. If Competency Assessor 3 grants a ‘pass,’ the grade is awarded, and all Competency Assessors' constructive feedback is shared with the candidate. 
  5. If Competency Assessor 3 issues a ‘fail,’ the Membership Services Manager contacts the candidate with feedback from all three Competency Assessors. The candidate may then update their application and resubmit for reassessment.
  6. The application is then evaluated by two additional Competency Assessors (Assessors 4 and 5). If both Competency Assessors award a ‘pass,’ the grade is granted.
  7. If both Competency Assessors (4 and 5) issue a ‘fail,’ the grade is not awarded. Constructive feedback from the Competency Assessors is shared so that the candidate can reapply at a later date.
  8. In the event of a split decision (with Competency Assessor 4 giving a ‘pass’ and Competency Assessor 5 a ‘fail’), the Membership Services Manager sends the application to Competency Assessor 6 for a final decision.
  9. If Competency Assessor 6 grants a ‘pass,’ the grade is awarded, and all Competency Assessors' constructive feedback is shared with the candidate.
  10. If Competency Assessor 6 issues a ‘fail,’ the grade is not awarded, and constructive feedback from the Competency Assessors is provided, allowing the candidate to reapply in the future.

BCI Competency Assessors' responsibilities

  • Certified membership is awarded to those individuals who can demonstrate a certain level of competence against those competencies listed in the BCI Competency Framework. Candidates provide a series of narrative statements against specific elements of each competence and it is the role of the  Competency Assessor to determine whether the evidence provided is sufficient to demonstrate the required level of competence
  • Competency Assessors are only allowed to score applications based on the evidence contained in the application pack and cannot conduct any additional research
  • Competency Assessors must provide constructive and encouraging feedback on each candidate's Assessment Score Sheet to inspire a candidate's professional development
  • Competency Assessors must complete the assessments they have been allocated in a timely manner
  • Competency Assessors must return each candidate's Assessment Score Sheet to the Membership Services Manager who notifies each candidate of the outcome and feedback
  • Competency Assessors must keep all information disclosed within an application pack confidential
  • Competency Assessors must delete/destroy all application packs after assessment
  • Participate in the Virtual Training Meetings provided by the BCI Lead Assessor and Membership Services Manager.

How are FBCI applications assessed and by whom?

It is the responsibility of all candidates to review the entry FBCI criteria, submit a complete application and comply with the application rules thoroughly.

The Membership Services Manager first sends FBCI application packs out to two different Competency Assessors.

  • When an application receives a ‘pass’ from both Competency Assessors 1 and 2, the candidate is then invited to be interviewed by a panel of Fellowship Assessors.
  • If both Competency Assessors 1 and 2 ‘fail’ the application, the Membership Services Manager contacts the candidate with constructive feedback from the Competency Assessors, and the candidate has the opportunity to update their application and resubmit for reassessment.
  • When an application comes back with a split decision (Competency Assessor 1 a ‘pass’ and Competency Assessor 2 a ‘failure’), the Membership Services Manager sends the application out to a 3rd Competency Assessor to break the tie.
  • When an application receives a ‘pass’ from Competency Assessor 3, the candidate is then invited to be interviewed by a panel of Fellowship Assessors.
  • If Competency Assessor 3 ‘fails’ the application, the Membership Services Manager contacts the candidate with constructive feedback from all three Competency Assessors, and the candidate has the opportunity to update their application and resubmit for reassessment.
  • The application is then sent out to another two Competency Assessors (Assessors 4 and 5). When an application receives a ‘pass’ from both Competency Assessors, the candidate is then invited to be interviewed by a panel of Fellowship Assessors.
  • If Competency Assessors 4 and 5 both ‘fail’ the application, the grade is not awarded. Constructive feedback from the Competency Assessors is shared so the candidate can reapply at a later date.
  • If an application comes back with a split decision (Competency Assessor 4 a ‘pass’ and Competency Assessor 5 a ‘failure’), the Membership Services Manager sends the application out to Competency Assessor 6 for the final decision.
  • When an application receives a ‘pass’ from Competency Assessor 6, the candidate is then invited to be interviewed by a panel of Fellowship Assessors.
  • If Competency Assessor 6 ‘fail’ the application, the grade is not awarded. Constructive feedback from the Competency Assessors is shared so the candidate can reapply at a later date.

FBCI Interview Stage

Once an application for FBCI has passed the assessment by the Competency Assessors, the candidate receives an invitation to participate in a one-hour virtual interview with a panel of Fellowship Assessors. During this interview, the panel focuses on the candidate's voluntary "Community Contribution" over the past five years.

Fellowship of the BCI (FBCI) is awarded exclusively to thought leaders who enhance the understanding and awareness of business continuity management (BCM) and can demonstrate substantial voluntary contributions to their local BCM community, the broader BCM community, or the BCI over the last five years.

These contributions must go beyond the usual responsibilities of a general BCM and resilience practitioner and must take place outside of one's employed role.

Candidates must be actively involved in making these contributions and should have plans to continue their efforts in the future.

BCI Fellowship Assessor's responsibilities

The FBCI interviewing panel should ideally consist of three Fellowship Assessors. One of these assessors will serve as the Chairperson, who will lead the interview and write the panel report on behalf of the entire group. Additionally, an Independent Observer will be present to ensure that the interview is conducted fairly and impartially. It is important to note that the Independent Observer does not have voting rights regarding the Yes/No decision made by the FBCI interviewing panel.

The role of the Fellowship Assessors is to evaluate whether the evidence of voluntary community contributions provided in the application pack and during the one-hour interview demonstrates that the candidate is worthy of Fellowship.

The responsibilities of the Fellowship Assessors include:

  • Reading through the candidate's application pack and preparing questions for the interview
  • Keeping all disclosed information confidential
  • After the interview, the Fellowship Assessor acting as Chairperson must submit an interview summary and panel recommendation report to the Membership Services Manager, who will then notify the candidate of the panel’s decision and provide feedback
  • Deleting or destroying all application packs after the interview
  • Participating in the virtual training meetings provided by the BCI Lead Assessor and Membership Services Manager.

Lead Assessor Information

The BCI appoints the Lead Assessor position without a fixed tenure. The position will be reviewed every three years to ensure that it continues to meet the organization's needs.

The responsibilities for this role include:

  • Providing guidance on the administration and development of the BCI application program in collaboration with the BCI Central Office/Board
  • Reviewing and deciding on appeals submitted by candidates whose applications did not meet the required grade
  • Participating in the selection and training of new Competency and Fellowship Assessors.

Lead Auditor Information

The BCI appoints the Lead Auditor position without a fixed tenure. The position will be reviewed every three years to ensure that it continues to meet the organization's needs.

The responsibilities for this role include:

  • Providing guidance on the development of the BCI application program in collaboration with the BCI Central Office/Board
  • Reviewing a random 20% selection of assessed applications to determine if each assessment has been carried out in accordance with the membership criteria and assessment process and fairly and impartially
  • Participating in the training of new Competency Assessors.

Confidentiality, auditing and deletion of application packs

To ensure fair treatment of all candidates, Competency and Fellowship Assessors will not evaluate applications from individuals they know personally or professionally. This includes situations where there may be a conflict of interest, such as working for the same company or being direct competitors.

Competency and Fellowship Assessors, the Lead Assessor, the Lead Auditor, and the Membership Services Manager maintain the confidentiality of all information disclosed within an application pack.

Applicant packs are retained by the BCI Head Office for approximately 6 months after completion so that they can be audited by the Lead Auditor. Once an audit has been completed all application packs are deleted by the BCI Membership Services Manager.

All applications for certified membership are subject to audit, this is to ensure each assessment has been carried out in accordance with the membership criteria and assessment process and fairly and impartially.

The Lead Auditor randomly selects 20% of the assessed applications to verify that each assessment has been conducted according to the membership criteria and assessment process. This ensures fairness and impartiality.

The Lead Auditor reports their findings to the Lead Assessor and the Membership Services Manager.

The BCI reserves the right to remove any Assessor who is found not to be adhering to these terms.

For any queries regarding BCI Membership Assessors please contact us.