Why EDI is a core component of any resilience and business continuity programme

We believe that EDI should be a core component of any resilience and business continuity programme and here’s why: 

Firstly, ensuring that your team is diverse and that you create a culture of inclusion in your organization and within your resilience team makes good business sense. A McKinsey report, entitled “Diversity Matters Even More” concludes that  diverse leadership teams continue to be associated with higher financial returns and a 2021 study commissioned by the Financial Reporting Council, a UK regulator, finds that “Higher levels of gender diversity of FTSE 350 boards positively correlate with better future financial performance.”

Secondly, with talent shortages all around the world, workforce planning is critical which means attracting and retaining talent from the widest pool possible. 

Thirdly, your people must be resilient which means wellbeing and psychological safety are critical for employees to be fully engaged. And the most important reason is that it is the right thing to do.